You can submit a website link suggestion. Please include the entire URL along with why you suggest the website to be on the main page.
You can, of course, submit DeltaCad specific files [i.e. drawing(.dc), symbol(.sym), macro(.bas)], if no one else, but you, can claim copyrights to the submitted file(s).
You can, and should submit, a text (.txt format please) instruction file along with your macro (.bas) file.
You can send a .pdf or .doc (instructions or reference) document file associated with your submitted macro or symbol file(s).
You can send as an attachment, as apposed to placing it in the body of your email, a text (.txt format please) file of the submission form, which is available on the main page.
You can send a picture (.jpg format please) of your actual project created from your drawing. Please include the DeltaCad drawing, of course.
The drawing sample(.jpg) pictures, posted on the drawing download page, are generated by me and you do not need to send it unless I request you to.
You can, of course, submit DeltaCad specific files [i.e. drawing(.dc), symbol(.sym), macro(.bas)], if no one else, but you, can claim copyrights to the submitted file(s).
You can, and should submit, a text (.txt format please) instruction file along with your macro (.bas) file.
You can send a .pdf or .doc (instructions or reference) document file associated with your submitted macro or symbol file(s).
You can send as an attachment, as apposed to placing it in the body of your email, a text (.txt format please) file of the submission form, which is available on the main page.
You can send a picture (.jpg format please) of your actual project created from your drawing. Please include the DeltaCad drawing, of course.
The drawing sample(.jpg) pictures, posted on the drawing download page, are generated by me and you do not need to send it unless I request you to.